Monday, December 15, 2008

Camping Rules on Public Camp Grounds

Camping Rules on Public Camp Grounds
By Benedict Smythe

Camping can be a very pleasant experience. However, you have to
bear in mind that you are quite responsible for promoting and
maintaining that “pleasantness” throughout your camping
activity. You have to plan and you have to be orderly if you
want to have a satisfying camp experience. You should also be
ready for unexpected events that might ruin your plans. In
addition to that, you should have an extreme concern and
consideration for other campground guests.

Aside from making sure that you abide by the rules and
regulations set by the campground owners and staff, you have to
make sure that you pay respect to each and every guest with whom
you share the camp grounds. Below are some basic camping rules
that you ought to know before setting out to camp in a public
camping ground.

a. Never litter. Make it a point to bring your own trash bag
and be sure that you will make use of it. Do not litter within
your camping site nor should you throw your garbage anywhere on
the campground. Be responsible for your own garbage and dispose
of it properly. You wouldn’t want anybody throwing thrash on
your camping site, would you?

b. Never burn toxic materials while camping. Be contented with
the wood on your camp fire and make sure that you keep plastics
and styro foam away from the flame. Note that the odor might not
only annoy the other campground guests. It also introduces many
harmful smoke particles in the air. Such particles are dangerous
to your health as well.

c. When using the public restrooms, pick up after yourself and
your companions. When you use the sink or the bowl, make sure
that you wipe the splashed soap and water.

d. If you are accompanied by children, make sure that you teach
your children proper camp site behavior. Teach them to throw
their trash properly. Tell them that they cannot run around
portions of the camping grounds that are occupied. When they
play, make sure that they keep their noise down.

e. When you to play some music, you should make sure that you
keep it within your own camp site. You will never know if some
of your neighbors hate the kind of music that you love to hear.
To make sure that the volume of your music is just right, try
walking away from your campsite. If you can still here your
music even as you have reached one of the other camper’s site,
then you should turn down your volume.

f. Late night conversations and games are very popular during
camping activities. However, you should bear in mind that some
campers may not be as fond as fire side storytelling as you and
your companions are. As such, if you intend to have late night
chats, make sure that you won’t be able to disturb your
neighbors. Do not forget to extinguish your camp fire according
to the specified rules of the camp ground management.

g. If you are camping with your dog make sure that you can pick
after him. Keep a trash bag close to you every time you decide
to give your dog long walks.

About the Author: Benedict Yossarian recommends Springfields
Army Surplus Store for all your camping needs.


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